Read Time: 5 min 12 sec


"Work is a blessing. God has so arranged the world that work is necessary, and He gives us hands and strength to do it. The enjoyment of leisure would be nothing if we had only leisure. It is the joy of work well done that enables us to enjoy rest, just as it is the experiences of hunger and thirst that make food and drink such pleasures.”

Elisabeth Elliot



by Jake van Gilse | Students Pastor

Growing up there were always 2 family fun nights during the week. Friday nights were homemade pizza and a movie, and Sunday was America’s Funniest Home Videos. Before YouTube, TikTok, or iMessages where you could share ridiculous videos with people at any time, it really seemed like the only place you could find them was Sunday night on ABC 8/7c. Most of these videos had an aspect of absurdity or failure which lent to humor.
And absurdity and failure are commonplace in the Bible! The strongest man to ever live, Samson, was made weak by a haircut (Judges 16). Jonah was, swallowed, then lived in the belly of a whale, then half-heartedly called all of Nineveh to repent (like going to Las Vegas and doing the same), they miraculously repented, and he got mad about it (see the eponymous book of the Bible). The disciples who walked with Jesus daily were unable to cast out a demon (Matthew 17). Seven Jewish itinerant exorcists (someone could make a parody movie just from that) tried to cast out demons in Ephesus by calling on, “…the Jesus whom Paul proclaims…" and are swiftly routed by a single demon-possessed man (Acts 19).
Consider also 2 Samuel 6:22a, David was celebrating and dancing his heart out in the streets with the people of Jerusalem because they finally brought the Ark of the Covenant back to the holy city. His wife saw him and was mortified by the way he was celebrating in such an undignified way. David’s response was this, “I will become even more undignified than this…” Imagine seeing any of our American Presidents dancing in the street in their pajamas during some huge parade – that’s ridiculous. David was more concerned with having a true, right, glorifying response to the Lord than the perception about him by the people.
Why am I, why are we, so afraid, of our stories ending in failure? Why am I, why are we, unwilling to be undignified in the sight of others for the sake of the glory of the LORD?! Let’s get better at telling the stories of our attempts to glorify the Lord that fall short of our hopes.
Here’s one of my most recent ones: Nearly every day I pass a man jogging on my way into the offices. His turban and long white beard make him easy to recognize daily, and we’ve gotten in the habit of waving and smiling at each other as I drive past. I’ve been praying for him and hoping to have an opportunity to share the Gospel. This week, he was so close to the parking lot, that I had the chance to go and introduce myself in person! Finally! All of my hopes for how this could make in-roads to the Pashto community would be realized! Or not. I tried to shake his hand, he bowed, I tried to copy the motion, while he tried to shake my hand. Nonverbal fail, let’s just start again by talking! Or not. My Pashto is non-existent, as is his English. We share names (I think) and part ways.
Not quite what I had hoped for, certainly felt like a failure to me. Here is what I want you to take from this though: THE SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF MY EFFORTS TO GLORIFY THE LORD ARE NOT UP TO ME! I, you, we are called to be FAITHFUL. So let’s share the stories of our undignified efforts to honor the King. Let’s retell the stories of our failure and in so doing make the Lord’s name shine forth in power. That despite our weakness, we are chosen by the Lord to share the hope we have in him. Who knows, maybe your stumbling into the obedience of worship, walk, work, and witness will be what the Lord uses, even if you think it’s a failure.



A Story from a Young Adult at Redeemer:
"Our discipleship group went on a prayer walk down our street in the neighborhood behind the church. As we were making our way down the street praying for each house, we got the chance to meet one of the occupants! Raman is a young adult from India who has been living in her house for about a year and a half. She was there to watch Redeemer Young Adults come and go from the Hendon house the entire time we were meeting there (as their neighbor). It was amazing to get to know her, learn about her culture, and show her Christ’s love and talk about the ministry that was taking place next door. She even invited us into her house and shared some traditional sweets from her culture! She has been craving community and is excited to continue talking with our group. She may even join us in the church next Wednesday to see what Redeemer Young Adults is all about! Let this be an encouragement to your group to continue praying for your homes and physically walking the neighborhood - all for the glory of God!"



The Mocha Nut

If you like coffee, The Mocha Nut is a coffee shop you gotta check out!! It's my favorite coffee shop on the south side, mainly because of the staff who work there. It's a Christ-centered place, and the baristas seek to display the love of Jesus as they take your order (and you can tell)! The atmosphere is nice and they always play great music!

Also, the coffee is strong so you may leave feeling extra jittery.

Jeremy Hendon | Director of Young Adults & Connections

NewsletterJake Zurawski