Read Time: 3 min 12 sec


"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose."
Jim Elliot



by Grant Geddie | Member at Redeemer

Paul says that we are saved by faith, and faith alone, but James says, ‘faith without works is dead’ (James 2:14-17). James isn’t disagreeing with Paul, rather he’s elaborating on the nature of the faith that saves us: faith that works.

Does your faith work? I often console my guilty heart by recounting my heroic exploits of devotion; like getting up at what feels like the dawn of time to read scripture or memorizing extended passages. My thinking: these feats exhaust me so they must count as faith’s work. They don’t. Many of us have a disturbing habit of confusing preparation with work; filling with pouring out.

Faith’s work is not "time spent with or learning about God." Instead, faith’s work is manifesting Christ’s love to others. Christ loved holistically. He said He loved us and then He brought love to life by teaching, providing, healing, and dying. It’s not that personal spirituality isn't important, but it’s definitely not the end goal. The end goal is radical, self-sacrificing love for another human. Our personal devotion is stripped of much of its value when it simply ends with us.

When faith begins to work three things change:

First, we aren’t exhausted by our personal preparation (i.e. reading, prayer, and meditation), because we are preparing for something - we actually need to meet with God - we are filling to pour out.

Second, our faith ceases to depend on the volatility of our feelings; instead, our faith is more stable, rooted in reality; ever seeking fresh opportunities to channel our overflowing love for Christ by manifesting Christ’s love to others.

Third, our lives become rich with opportunities to worship God through our working faith! People are no longer detractors from our quiet, insular spiritual bubble - rather, every person we meet becomes a unique opportunity for us to demonstrate our faith in action; pouring out to magnify Christ.

So pray fervently that God would give you opportunities to love others. Read deeply of God’s word to know the Christ whose love you seek to emulate. Finally, when you are all poured out, abide in the Lord; clinging to the source of perfect love - and, yet again, put faith to work.



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Jeremy Hendon | Director of Young Adults & Connections