Read Time: 4 min 48 sec


“We aren’t just thrown on this earth like dice tossed across a table. We are lovingly placed here for a purpose.”

Chuck Swindoll



by Arica Graham | Member at Redeemer

Having a birthday five days before Christmas was not my favorite thing as I grew up. I’m sure those with Christmas-time birthdays can relate. It's typically a hectic time of year, too busy or too cold to have a party. People are out buying others’ Christmas gifts so they throw your birthday gift in as a two-for-one. Or maybe in the hustle of the season you are forgotten altogether.

Wait... it’s possible that we do this to Jesus year after year isn’t it?

Matthew 1:23 - “And they shall call his name Immanuel (which means God with us).”

Much like the true reason for the Christmas season, I take for granted Immanuel. I take for granted the fact that the Savior of the world desires true communion with me and you. He walks with us every day and is a part of our conversations, actions, and our thoughts. He is with us in the joys and sorrows of each breath we breathe.

But do we accept the invitation of Immanuel? Do we RSVP daily into communion with Jesus? It is not just a one-time response at the point of salvation, it is a daily invitation that we receive. Jesus’ birthday is a yearly reminder of one of the greatest celebrations of all time and a promise of what is to come.

In the accounts of Jesus being born, Luke 2:10-11 reminds us of the angel telling the shepherds, “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.”

John 1:9 says, “The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.” And Isaiah 9:6 foretells of the Messiah’s coming, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given.”

Immanuel was, is, and will be an invitation for all of us. Salvation has come to set us free. Immanuel has come to be in a relationship with us. His joy is for all of us while we await His glorious return.

Disciples of Jesus should look different this time of year because we have the true reason to celebrate. We are all holding the most amazing invitation that leads to life, and everyone is invited.

How can you renounce some of the worldly distractions of this season to come back to Immanuel? How can you simplify your expectations to bring back the joy this time of year should have? How will you share Immanuel with others and begin to practice daily communion with Him?

This season is not just a one-time event, it is a catalyst for the whole year. It is a reminder that God is with me, and He is with you. Let’s RSVP daily. We love you, Jesus! Happy Birthday!


The year 2021 will be referenced in our church for many years to come. It was the year the Lord entrusted to us our first “Sending Base.” We have said all along, the facility doesn’t make the church, and yet as we close the year we thank God for the provision of a place for us to headquarter our ministry. And as excited as we are for the Sending Base, what fires us up even more is the work God is doing in and through the people of His church. This has been another year of massive work by the Lord. Read more about what He has done in our 2021 annual report!



Trying to think of some fun family traditions for the holidays? Here are a few of our staff's favorite Christmas traditions!

  • The Holts: We give our kids one giant Christmas Eve present in a huge box. It’s always got Christmas pj’s, some unhealthy but awesome snacks, and a new family board game to play that night.

  • The Zurawskis: Olivia has made an advent calendar that has a different activity for each day in December (ex. Bring a friend coffee, have a game night by the Christmas tree, try a new recipe).

  • The van Gilses: Buying a real Christmas tree and giving it a new name each year (this year's tree is named "Saga")

  • Alex Ridge: BIG Family reunions. My family (aunts, uncles, cousins, and significant others included) get together every year in the same place for a gift exchange, gingerbread house contest, and lots of food. Each family unit takes a meal and cooks for the whole family!

  • The Stomps: When the kids were little we would drive around and see Christmas lights in the different neighborhoods. Now that they are older we go to Newfields or Lights at the Brickyard to see Christmas lights. Every year on Christmas Day, we go to lunch at House of Tokyo.

  • Michaela Causey: On Christmas Eve my sisters and I always had a sleepover in one of our rooms. In the morning we'd wake up together and see Santa's snowy footprints leading from the fireplace to the tree.

  • The Colliers: The kids open their stockings when they get up, then we traditionally have an egg bake for breakfast followed by Dakota reading the Christmas Story. When the boys were younger they would always make a birthday cake for Jesus in the afternoon. We hope to continue by having our grandkids make a birthday cake for Jesus.

  • DJ Blatherwick: Listening to "Silver Bells." The best Christmas song of all time!

  • Kevin Adams: My favorite tradition as a kid was being able to open one gift on Christmas Eve.

  • The Shingleton's: Gay has carried on a tradition with the kids, who are adults now, that her parents started with her. They both get a LifeSavers candy Christmas storybook in their stocking. One way of keeping the memory of their grandfather alive.

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