Read Time: 4 min 22 sec


Let's not allow Easter to be a one-time celebration of Jesus' resurrection. He is just as alive today as He was on Sunday. Find ways to celebrate that every day!

Starting this week, we will be entering into a series called "The 4W Life." We believe that true disciples of Jesus worship Christ, walk with Christ, work for Christ, and witness for Christ. Each week we will focus on a different "W" and we'll share devotionals and stories in this email. Be sure to read each week to learn how you can commit to the 4W Life!


"If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world."
C.S. Lewis



"And he said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your soul and with all your mind. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'” - Matthew 22:37-39

The question was posed by a lawyer, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”

And it was asked with a motive. The motive was to test Jesus. To trap him. To try and put the Son of God in a tough spot. To leave him speechless without an answer.

And yet, as calm as can be, Jesus summarizes all of the law and prophets in a mere matter of words: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Every time I read this, my heart aches. It aches with a longing. A longing to know more today than I did yesterday what it looks like for me to love God with all that I am. A longing to see that deep love for God overflow passionately and powerfully in a deep love for others. Every time I read this, I ache knowing how far short I fall, and I ache to see Christ form more of this kind of love in me.

This week, we begin a series called the 4W Life that we hope will form an all-consuming love for God and for people. If we are to love Him with all we are, it means we must know what it means to Worship him, and Walk with him, and Work for him, and Witness for him. These W’s are the outflow of someone deeply in love with God and full of compassion with love for others.

And so let’s go on a journey to understand what the 4W Life looks like. Not just when we are gathered inside the walls of the church where these W’s are on signs in front of us. What do these W’s look like as a way of following Jesus, out of a wholistic, all-consuming love for him? That’s what we want as a church, and that’s what you want for your life.

And so together let’s pursue this 4W Life.


Spend time this week evaluating your life with the 4 W's. How do you worship Christ? How is your walk with him? How do you work for him? What opportunities have you taken to witness for him?

Brock Graham | Lead Pastor



A life of devotion to the Lord isn't born from following the rules and checking the boxes. We can't live the 4W Life we desire unless there is a sweetness of joy and love overflowing in us from the salvation won for us on the cross. But if we are honest, sometimes we don't feel it. Sometimes we feel dry and stale.

Here is a (very) quick prayer based on scripture for us to shout to God on our dullest days. Check it out here!


So I'm partially embarrassed to have this be my recommendation because I don't want people to think I'm some crazy Enneagram guy that thinks it holds the answers to all of life. That's not me, I promise. BUT I do think it is a helpful tool (when used as only a tool) to know and love yourself and others well.

There is an artist called "Sleeping at Last" who wrote a song devoted to each Enneagram type, and they are incredibly written and powerfully display the characteristics of each number. I believe that I am a Type Nine, and the "Nine" song almost brings me to tears (it definitely would if my body actually let my emotions go haha). My wife is a Type One and listening to the "One" song has been extremely helpful for me to empathize with some of the ways her brain works.

If you know your Enneagram type or even if you've never heard of it, I would encourage you to listen through the album and see how the different personalities express themselves through these songs.

- Jake Zurawski, Creative Arts & Communications Director