Read Time: 4 min 22 sec


"We need never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts."
A.W. Tozer



“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”
- Ephesians 5:1-2

We live transaction-based lives. When we give something, we receive something in return. Hours of work in exchange for money. Dollar bills in exchange for food and clothing. Kindness toward my neighbor when he’s in need in exchange for support when I’m in need. Service and chores around the home in exchange for peace and harmony. We all do it. And we usually stop when the cost on the front end isn’t worth the value on the back end. Who wants to overpay for fast food? Who wants to keep serving your family when it’s not noticed, appreciated, or when there’s going to be conflict from it all anyway?

But is that really the biblical target for relationships? Here’s the challenge from these verses: Don’t let the foundation of your relationship be satisfaction. Instead, let it be sacrifice. Don’t worry about what you can get – worry about what you can give.

THIS IS IT. This is what will set us apart and make it shine. The watching world around us will know that our relationships are different by the way we love one another. Instead of extracting from one another, give yourself up for one another. Real sacrifice is recognizing that the terms aren’t fair and paying the price anyway out of love.

The love of God – the love that we’re supposed to imitate – is a love that goes first. Jesus Christ went first. This is what we reflect on during this season of Lent.

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
- Romans 5:8

Jesus Christ, though He is perfect, and though we are broken and foolish and sinful, entered into creation. He came as a baby in a cradle, lived a sinless life, was crucified and took on all of our sin – every last drop was poured out onto him – and he died as the permanent sacrifice for our sin. Three days later he rose again and defeated sin and death once and for all. And beautifully, all that’s needed for this free gift to be applied to our account is faith in Christ. He went first – and we respond.


Evaluate the sacrifices you’ve made recently in your key relationships. Have you been giving to receive or giving because Christ gave? Spend some time in prayer and ask the Lord to help you align those relationships to more fully honor Him. Let this prompt conversation with those others if necessary.

Brian Holt | Lead Ministries Pastor

P.S. Join us tonight at 6pm for Lent worship on YouTube.


Mama Carolla’s

This is by far Bre and I’s favorite date night spot. Located in the heart of Broad Ripple (I sound like an advertisement for a vacation resort), this Italian gem is THE BEST Italian restaurant that I have had in my 30 years of life and in the 20+ states that I have traveled to. After our first meal at Mama Carolla’s, we instantly made it our mission to support a local business and allocated a good amount of our budget to eat at their restaurant. We have loved every experience and every dish.

The environment is perfect for a date night or a simple night out with friends. They have multiple rooms where you can be seated with no bad seats in the house. Every dish we have tried is incredible. My wife cannot stop going back for the Chicken Alfredo, and believe me when I say the flavor is PERFECT and the noodles are like biting into a cloud. All the food is authentic and homemade and the service is comparable to that of Chick-fil-A. If they brought me the wrong dish, I would just submit and eat it because I know that it's right for me.

Mama Carolla’s is the GOAT (Greatest of All Time) when it comes to Italian food and I hope that you will give yourself a chance to experience it.

Last thing: If they have the Italian wedding soup as the soup of the day... it's going to be a good day.

With a full belly and full heart,

- Cory Freeman, Witness Pastor

I have used a couple of journals that are good for personal, daily quiet times and as gifts for people as well.

The first is the Daily Kairos Journal. Richard got this for me for Christmas, and it has been a great tool to help me be more intentional and think deeper in my quiet time. It has also helped with my Bible memory as well. I always remember things better when I write them down. This journal has helped me organize and make the most of that time.

The next journal is the Paper Sunday Journal. This is a journal that I gave as gifts to my discipleship group ladies at Christmas. Each page has a Bible verse, and you can personalize it by adding a person’s name to each verse. You can also add a note to the person you’re giving it to. Check out their website. They make great gifts for kids and teens as well!

- Michelle Stomps, Volunteer Coordinator