Read Time: 3 min 31 sec


"To call yourself a child of God is one thing. To be called a child of God by those who watch your life is another thing altogether."
Max Lucado



"…and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

– 1 Corinthians 2:5

Did you catch that, “but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power?” Paul was telling the believers in Corinth that the Holy Spirit moves in ways that demonstrate His power at work among people. To be honest, this is somewhat mystifying. What exactly does Paul mean? One thing that is certain is that throughout the New Testament, most of the references that refer to the “demonstration and outpouring” of the Spirit among believers were for the purpose of witnessing about Christ. And in most cases, the “power of the Spirit” fell on people to become bold witnesses after a season of desperate and dependent prayer.

It has been said, “the difference between you and revival is the distance between your knees and the floor.” Could it be that God is simply wanting and waiting to pour out His Spirit upon you to be His witness in such a way that starts a revival in your neighborhood? Listen, witnessing for Christ is meant to be accompanied with the power of Christ as we depend upon the Spirit of Christ. May we be a people that persistently and desperately plead for God to “remove the veil from those who are perishing so that they can see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ whom we proclaim.”



Who are you specifically praying God will remove the veil from their eyes this week?

Pray boldly and expectantly that God will pour out His Spirit upon you this week to be a bold witness for Christ to whomever you are praying for. 


Joe Cotroneo | Lead Pastor at DOXA Bible Church



One Sunday evening I decided to go over to a friend’s house for some nice brisket. Shortly after my arrival to their home, their teenage son came in with a friend. After inquiring about their previous whereabouts, I learned that they were out serving an elderly lady because she hadn’t left her home in a few days. All of this was due to snow and ice blocking her driveway, making it too risky for her to shovel. After the mom of the teenage boy found out, she encouraged him to go over and shovel the lady's driveway. Although the teenage boy was reluctant at first, the father encouraged the son that this could be a good way to serve and show Christ. The boy gathered a couple of friends and went over to shovel her driveway and the lady was blessed but so were the boy and his friends. The reason why this was so impactful was because the teenage boy was serving and showing Christ. Not only to the elderly lady but to one of his friends who was with him. The friend is not a believer but has been attending church, student ministry, and has been walking with a faith community learning more about Jesus. What a great way for the teenage boy to show to his friend how the body of Christ truly operates, loves, and serves people with the hopes of sharing the Gospel.

Who can you serve and who can you serve with to share Christ this week?

Cory Freeman | Lead Witness Pastor


Come check out the progress of our new facility and sign up for a building tour this Sunday, May 23rd. Tours will start at 1:00 pm and run every 30 minutes until 5:00 pm. Each walk-through will be limited to 20 people. Sign up now!