Read Time: 5 min 42 sec


"It is not the strength of your faith but the object of your faith that actually saves you."
Tim Keller



I feel like I need to give a warning before sharing this scripture passage from Hebrews that absolutely rocked me a few days ago. It is scary. And unsettling. And challenging. But at the same time, I felt peace and motivation to dive deep into loving and accountable community with other believers. I pray that you read this scripture and see the amazing, grace-filled gift of doing life with others who can watch out for us, encourage us, and keep us headed towards greater Christlikeness. Check this out:

"And let us watch out for one another in order to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.

For if we deliberately go on sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire about to consume the adversaries. Anyone who disregarded the law of Moses died without mercy, based on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much worse punishment do you think one will deserve who has trampled on the Son of God,who has regarded as profane the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know the One who has said,

'Vengeance belongs to me; I will repay,'

and again,

'The Lord will judge his people.'

It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

– Hebrews 10:24-31 

Wheew... okay. You may need to read that again to let it sink in.

The second part of this passage is truly terrifying, but I hope that it doesn't remove the power and beauty of the first part for you. "Let us watch out for one another in order to provoke love and good works." Let's live lives that do this! Through the grace of God, by choosing to be vulnerable and intentional with one another, we can encourage good works and greater love that keeps us from the fiery and justice-filled wrath of God. And this is not an encouragement to just do the right things and you'll be saved, it is a realization that Jesus, the Son of God, boar that unbelievable wrath on our behalf and made a way for us to experience freedom through His blood. And then through that realization, we must move into increasing Christlikeness and intentional pursuit of holiness with other believers. To neglect this is to "trample on the Son of God" and "regard as profane the blood of the covenant by which (we have been) sanctified."

Reading this has put a little fear in my belly, but a good kind of fear. A fear that puts me on my guard and causes me to run to Christ for shelter and strength. And to pursue intentional relationships with others that will keep me accountable, encourage me, and hold me up with love. Family, let's watch out for one another.


What sins do you need to repent and ask forgiveness for?

How can you work to see your sin the way God sees it?

How can you invite other people in and live intentionally with other believers to keep you accountable in your pursuit of the Lord?


Jake Zurawski | Creative Arts & Communication Director



A few weeks ago, a lady in our church was seeking someone to disciple her. She lives in Greensburg and is a part of the core group for the future Greensburg church plant; however, she was searching for an older woman outside that group who could speak wisdom and truth into her life. She was hoping to join a discipleship group, but had come to the realization there wouldn't be groups that far out of town. She wrote, "I just want a mature Christian friend who I can look to for guidance while staying true to what God calls me to do..."

Michaela Causey, our Ministry Coordinator at Redeemer, reached out to 5 women who were suggested by staff in a group message. She gave them the run down and asked each of them to pray about the possibility of entering into a discipleship relationship with this woman.

The next day the group chat exploded and the majority of the woman in the group said they had been praying for this and wanted to form a discipleship group for her in Columbus, IN (halfway between Greenwood and Greensburg) every other week!

When Michaela told the woman about this, she wrote, "Wow! That brings me to tears. I am truly humbled by that and look forward to forming lasting relationships."

We are blown away by these ladies sacrificially loving another woman they did not even know yet. They saw a need and didn't just fill it, but went above and beyond to find a day that worked with all of them to drive 40 mins south to meet with her.

That's living the 4W Life, baby!!!


I have always been a bad reader. I start books with the best of intentions, cruise through the first 4 chapters, and then my bookmark stays nestled snuggly at the start of chapter 5 for the rest of time. I struggle to find consistent time to read and then find it hard to return to a book that I haven't read in a week.

BUT I've started listening to audiobooks consistently over the last year and I have really enjoyed it! I listen while I drive, mow the lawn, and work out (which is rare, but sometimes getting to return to a book I'm listening to gives me more motivation to go on a run). I've listened to these books through this app called Scribd, which is basically a Netflix for audio and digital versions of books. They have fiction, non-fiction, Christian, fantasy, biographies, everything you could want to read. If you're like me and want to grow in your ability to read, or if you love to read and you're stuck with a long list of books that you can't find the time or money to consume, check out Scribd and see if it works for you!

If you are interested, follow this link and you'll get 60 days of free listening and reading. After those 60 days, it is $9.99 a month for unlimited access to their huge library of books. Check it out!

Jake Zurawski | Creative Arts & Communications Director