Read Time: 4 min


"If the devil cannot make us bad, he will make us busy."
Corrie ten Boom



by Megan Hendon | Member at Redeemer

I have a friend who is very special to me. We are different in many ways, but we are the same in one: we love Jesus and hate our sin. So, when we sin, if God nudges us to do so, we reach out to each other for a 30-minute coffee and confession time before work.

Our 30-minute “C&C” time often looks like this: the listener provides the home and coffee, and the confessor shows up, probably acts sheepish for 5 minutes, then like a baby calf learning how to walk stumbles through a confession of sin. The confession can last 2 minutes or 15, but we say the messy stuff. The listener listens (as long as it takes), maybe asks some follow-up questions, then offers a huge hug and encouragement that yes – that sin sucks, but Jesus washed them clean. They are loved and God delights in them. They then ask how they can support the other moving forward and we move on. After we separate, the listener follows up and supports the confessor like she said she would. It may sound clunky and weird, but I can honestly say I’ve never felt more free, confident, and loved than when I’m with her because of it.

Our C&C time isn’t always how it could be. Sometimes the listener doesn’t listen the best, sometimes we forget to follow up for weeks, sometimes we arrive and leave grumpy, but it’s real life. Walking in vulnerability with a friend isn’t glamorous, but what’s important is that it happens, and the body gets to be Jesus to each other. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says,

Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up. . . And if someone overpowers one person, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.

Because of what Christ has done for us, and what the Holy Spirit is currently doing in us, we have the opportunity to pour our lives out for the sake of our friends, no matter the cost. We get to prayerfully war for our friends and their families to the glory of God. As we walk together, we are close enough to catch each other as we fall, and we literally sin less because of it! We get to experience more encouragement, specific prayers, gentle rebukes, and growth in our lives when we walk in consistent transparency with friends. If we HAD to walk alone, God would be just as faithful to complete us – but we GET to walk together. So, partake, dear friends, and enjoy deep friendship. It is truly a gift. And if you don’t have a friend like this in your life – pray, pray, pray for God to bring them to you, and prepare to be one for them when they come. God is faithful.



Student Summer Camp '21 was a blast and true discipleship and life-change happened. And so did a lot of fun, competition, sweat, and stink. Check out this video for a little recap of all the great times at Lake Ann camp this year.



I have to admit that this is one of those things that no one truly needs. But I also have to admit that it's pretty stinkin' cool.

My wife and I both got Ember mugs recently and it has really amped up our morning coffee experience. An Ember mug keeps your coffee at your desired temperature so you're not stuck with that yucky swig of luke cold coffee after you get back from a bathroom break. It connects to an app on your phone where you can set your ideal temperature. Then once you pour your coffee into the mug, you can have your quiet time, respond to some emails, change a diaper, vacuum up a mess, discipline a child, and come back to your coffee still perfectly warm. It comes with a charging stand that you can set your mug in for all-day warmth, or you can carry your mug around with you as it has a few hours of battery life.

If you are a slow coffee drinker and find yourself making multiple trips back and forth to the microwave to warm up your cup, an Ember mug might be just the thing for you.