Read Time: 3 min 21 sec


"Relying on God has to start all over every day, as if nothing has yet been done."
C.S. Lewis



by Linda Justice | Member at Redeemer

“In the beginning God created…

- Genesis 1:1 (NIV)

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen…”

- Romans 1:20 (NIV)

God gives us a rhythm on our planet-just like an orchestra with instruments perfectly synchronized. Their sounds flow together beautifully-like the bubbling of a brook, the wind in the trees, water streaming from a mountainside, or waves pounding the seashore.

Birds have their own special songs-the screech of a red-tailed hawk, the scream of a blue jay, or the comforting coo of a dove that gives a sense of wellness. Even flowers have their own notes with the way their petals burst open in spring, summer, and fall. All in their own time!

The Garden shows us a perfect beginning as we look forward to the New Earth at the end. What was meant for us and what will be! This plan shows He is a God of order and interested in the smallest of details. His order awakens us to His power and might and His desire for a perfect relationship with man by pointing to the sacrifice of His Son. And so it begins in the Heavens. The Triune God puts His plan into action. He is in total control as He speaks the world into existence — “Let there be Light.”

He gives man everything he needs and more. He not only intimately walks alongside His beloved but opens the way of restoration when man sins so they will walk together again. He gives man dominion and stewardship over His gift and provides a way to accomplish the task.

CREATION - A tapestry of God’s majesty! You need not even look at what God created but how it was done to witness His power. He only needed 6-24 hour days and each day is in unison with the other.

Everything aligned - sun, moon, billions of stars, the seasons, the food chain, animals - all equipped in its own way for survival.

God’s perfect plan - making something incredible out of nothing!


CREATION THERAPY- This is how I celebrate His creation. Simply go outside, go to a local park or state park. I look for a place to quiet my thoughts and just listen to my surroundings and soak in all the beauty from God’s gift. This brings peace and serenity yet reveals God’s glory at the same time.

“Be still and know that I am God.”

- Psalm 46:10



Mully Documentary

Mully is the story of Charles Mully, a once street kid who grew to be one of the richest men in Kenya and then laid it all before the Lord to spend his life rescuing street kids and bringing them into his family. Today thousands of former street kids are part of the Charles and Esther Mully family. You will be encouraged by this great work of God through this family who deeply loves God.

You can watch this documentary on Amazon Prime, on Apple TV, or watch it for free on the Mully Children's Family website.

Brock Graham | Lead Pastor


Sometimes it’s fun to sit and listen to the podcast equivalent of popcorn. Enjoyable. Interesting. And not too many calories. If you’re looking for something like that for your ears, I recommend a delightfully silly podcast called ‘A Hot Dog Is a Sandwich.’ Two professional chefs, who clearly just love to talk about food, debate all sorts of irrelevant topics such as: Does pineapple belong on pizza? Is cereal soup? Are pop-tarts ravioli? And my personal favorite, at what point does two lasagnas stacked on top of each other become one lasagna? It may not add any actual value to your life, but it’s a fun way to spend a few minutes on your commute (if you still do that sort of thing).

Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Brian Holt | Lead Ministries Pastor