Read Time: 6 min 00 sec


“God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing."
C.S. Lewis



by Michelle Stomps | Volunteer Coordinator

It was good for me to be afflicted so that I could learn your statutes. Instruction from your lips is better for me than thousands of gold and silver pieces. - Psalm 119:71-72 

I started reading the book of Psalms just over a year ago. I know what you’re thinking"geez, that’s a long time in one book", but I tend to read just to read and not actually comprehend what I’m reading. So, I determined I would take my time, and it has been so worth it. I had no rhyme or reason for starting Psalms other than I wanted to read it from beginning to end. Little did I know what God would show me about Himself and the book I was holding.

During my journey in Psalms, God brought our family through quarantine/COVID and a 9-month stretch of my husband being unemployed. COVID made finding a job very difficult for a great number of people, and we were just one family out of many. It wasn’t necessarily a new trial for us, but I learned a great number of new things about how to wait faithfully, about God and who He is as my refuge, help, shield, and faithful provider. Then I started reading Psalm 119. This particular Psalm made my journey even more personal. There was a lot of soul-searching and self-reflection from one trial to another and when God provided my husband with a job, it could only be credited to Him.

If you haven’t read this Psalm, the beginning starts off with the key to happiness which is walking according to the Lord’s instruction. I highlighted that and kept reading. One morning I came across vs. 71-72. These two verses made me stop and read them again, especially the first part of v. 71. Freshly coming out of a trial (and in the middle of another one), who says “It was good for me to be afflicted"? In my mind, the next logical question is why does the psalmist say that? Which is answered in the second part of v.71,“…so that I could learn your statutes."So that I could learn your statutes.

It goes on: “Instruction from your lips is better for me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.” Living through 9 months of no job or steady income, this hit home to me. Michelle’s interpretation: What God has to teach me is better than any financial success or security. No matter the circumstance, what God is teaching me is better.

All of Psalm 119 is about God’s Word. You will see words like statutes, instructions, precepts, commands, promises, etc. He says that God’s Word:

● Provokes praise (v.7,162)
● Gives us a weapon to fight sin (v.9-11,133)
● Gives confidence (v.42, 46)
● Gives hope (v.49)
● Gives life (v. 50, 93)
● Makes us aware of sin (v.59, 98,104,136)
● Is relevant for all generations (v.90-91)
● Is a lamp and light for our path (v.105)
● Gives wisdom (v.130)

If God’s Word does all of this, then it should be where I daily turn to for every season of my life whether good or bad. The tendency is to let my circumstances dictate how frequently I am in God’s Word. Bible reading becomes an “as needed" task. This can turn my time in the Bible as a duty, marking off my chore list for the day when it should be a daily discipline that is a delight.

Every morning, I have a cup of coffee without fail no matter the type of day. If I don't, by midday I have a headache. I definitely feel it. It’s safe to say I need coffee. Daily Bible reading should be such that I notice a difference (not necessarily a headache) in my day when I don’t have time in the Word. I should be able to say without hesitation that INEEDthe Bible. Seeing my need for God's Word will keep it from being a list item for the day.

The Psalm gives what God’s Word does, and it also gives what I am to do with God’s Word. I am too:
Walk in God’s Word
Delight in God’s Word
Meditate on God’s Word
Keep God’s Word
Obey God’s Word

I am not just to read the Bible. I am to put what I learn into practice. (James 1:22-25)

Regular reading of the Bible = knowing more of my God = deeper faith relationship with God = faith relationship put into practice.

“Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.”- Elisabeth Elliot


  1. Can I say it was good for me to be afflicted so that I could learn more about God and His Word?

  2. Do I let my circumstances dictate my time in the Word?

  3. Do I see time in God’s Word as a need for me to live every day?


“I was in a lonely, hurting place. God had led me to Redeemer, but I was second-guessing it. I was thinking, 'God are you sure? This church is awfully big.' Then we had a Sunday where anyone could come up and be prayed for. I wiggled in my seat as the Spirit urged me to go forward and after a debate with God, I went forward.

Through tears, I explained that my precious 5-year-old son had passed away in a car accident a few months back and I felt lonely most nights. It was silent. Then to my surprise, Pastor Brock abruptly said, “every woman in the church, get up!” Every woman stood up and prayed for me. I was astonished! I realized that day God wants me here at Redeemer. We are growing to be more like Christ together.

NewsletterJake Zurawski