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“Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness."
Martin Luther



by Lauren Carpenter |Member at Redeemer

Like most of us, I do a pretty “good” job of playing the comparison game.

“They are further in their career than I am. I’m so behind!”
“If only I was as athletic as them.”
“They look much happier than me.”

When I enter a new stage of life, even with all of the change, the comparison game seems to follow me. I remember when I started college, I compared myself to others ALL the time. Seeing others on campus, I constantly thought how someone was smarter than me, more successful than me, prettier than me, and much more. This really played a factor in my major: journalism. With this major, it’s very important to have experience because employers tend to look at that before your GPA. As I started writing for the campus newspaper, I remember looking around and seeing the editors and longtime reporters. I felt I could never measure up to them, and my work would never be as good as theirs.

Around that same time, one of my journalism professors shared Galatians 6:4-5 with my class. I usually try not to rely on The Message when diving into Scripture, but I love this version of the passage:

“Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.”

That verse really spoke to me, and it has continued to help me as I work to shake off those negative feelings. Of course, even 7.5 years later, I have to continue to remind myself of this verse - as I find myself playing the comparison game in my career. This is why I have this verse saved as the screensaver on my work computer! I make sure to take time to reflect on how far I’ve come, and how God has helped shape me into the Godly woman He wants me to be.

As Christians, God has given us gifts, talents, and passions in life. We should be thankful He has blessed us with what we have and do the best we can with it. How beautiful is it to think about how God has made us all different - so we each have a unique, special path in life? Instead of wanting to be like anyone else - I want to be exactly where God wants me to be… and not where I think I should be!

I have tried to remember this verse in whatever I am doing. When I am at the gym, I might not be running for as long as the person next to me. But I just completed a sprint triathlon (that I never thought was possible for me might I add) and I should be proud of myself for working on my health, and thankful that God has given me the strength to challenge myself physically in this way. On my way to work, I should spend more time thanking God for blessing me with a career, and the opportunities that have come with it.

No matter where you are in life, God has given you a purpose and you should live that out. Thank Him for what He has given you, and ask Him how He wants you to use it for the Kingdom.



Endless Praise and Thank You Jesus For The Blood by Charity Gayle

I go through times when I find a worship song that I love and then I listen to it on repeat for days. Charity Gayle has been responsible for two of those songs recently.

Thank You Jesus For The Blood displays the gospel so clearly and makes you want to jump and dance and shout out thanksgiving for the work of Jesus on the cross.

Endless Praise brings us to the foot of the throne in Heaven as we join in with the song of the angels and pour out worship, adoration, and glory upon our Almighty God forever and ever.

Check out these songs be brought to worship in the middle of your week!

Jake Zurawski | Creative Arts & Communications Director

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