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“Life is too short, too precious, too painful to waste on worldly bubbles that burst.”

John Piper



by Caleb Worgess | Member at Redeemer

“Count it all joy my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” - James 1:2-3

How do you respond when you are faced with a trial or difficult season in life? What do you do when you are faced with a difficult set of circumstances you did not expect and aren’t sure how to handle? If we’re being honest, when faced with these types of situations, our natural response is anything but “joy.” How can we have joy in the midst of trials and difficult seasons?

Happiness or Joy?

The first question we need to ask ourselves when facing a trial is - are we pursuing happiness or joy? We often confuse happiness with joy, but they are not the same. Happiness is fleeting and dependent upon our circumstances. We can feel happy one moment and sad the next. I’ve often wondered that if Disney is “The Happiest Place on Earth,” why are there so many crying kids and stressed-out parents? We may not find happiness in the midst of our trial, but we can find joy. True joy in the midst of our trials is found in our relationship with Christ. True joy rests in the sovereignty of God who controls all things—even our trials.

Joy in the Midst of Trials

When faced with a trial or difficult season, we often respond by trying to find the quickest way out of the trial or questioning why we are in this situation in the first place. We struggle to find joy in these difficult seasons because we fail to see a purpose in the trial. Yet, as James 1 points out, it is the “testing of our faith” which produces steadfastness or perseverance. Our ability to persevere under trial is built up through each trial we endure. Even though we may not see the reason or purpose for our trials, we can have joy in them because God is with us and is using them to grow us and shape us into the person He wants us to be.

A Lesson from the Life of Joseph

Remember for a moment the story of Joseph from Genesis 37. Joseph was Jacob's favorite son and had even given Joseph a special coat as a symbol of his affection. Joseph had everything. He even had big dreams that one day all of his brothers and even his father would bow down to him. Everything seemed to be working in Joseph's favor. Suddenly, however, things turned for Joseph. He was sold into slavery—by his own brothers. Then, he was thrown into an Egyptian prison for a crime he didn't commit. Through all of this, it would have been easy for Joseph to throw in the towel. Yet, the Bible tells us that “the Lord was with Joseph.” Even though Joseph's trials seemed to be without purpose, God was growing Joseph and shaping him to be the right person to lead His people. Even though God did a great work through Joseph, he was doing an even greater work in Joseph. It would have been easy for Joseph to view all of the years he spent as a slave in Potiphar's house and in prison as a meaningless waste of time. But Joseph knew God was with him throughout his trials and that made all the difference. We can have joy in our trials when we see things from God's perspective. Even when our trials may seem to be without purpose, it is important to remember that God is growing us and shaping us through them. We must choose joy and rest in the knowledge that God is working in and through us in the midst of our trials—even when we may not see it.



Carmen recently moved into a new house with her mother who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. The house needed a lot of work, but Carmen was incapable of taking on the projects while also caring for her mom. The garage needed painted, curtains, lights, closet racks, and TVs needed hung, and furniture needed to be put together.

After visiting Redeemer on a Sunday morning, she decided to attend STEP 1 and was able to ask if there was anyone in the church body that could help her with the projects. The Young Adult ministry heard of the need and jumped right in. One young adult, Skylar, organized a whole serving day, brought a team, tools, and went above and beyond to serve these women. They completed all the projects on the list and also detailed her car and helped organize boxes. Carmen was so impressed, grateful, and overwhelmed by their passion for serving and shared this:

"Words cannot express my gratitude to my Lord and everyone that came to help. You blessed me abundantly with all these tasks impossible for me to do and so badly needed. This brought so much relief to me and my mother.

Skylar was incredibly and wonderfully loving, proactive, and helpful. He is a born leader and works tirelessly to help others. A servant's heart. What a gift from the Lord he has and is! Each one of these young Christians was greatly respectful, hard-working, and skilled. I was shocked to see how handy and focused they were! 

My deepest thanks to these young adults who serve us. You all gave your time, efforts, and energy to help two widows new in town that you never met before. I am so grateful... BUT GOD... HE was pleased and glorified by your love for His people. He will reward you!"

"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." - Hebrews 13:16

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