Read Time: 3 min 37 sec


““Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure.”

D.L. Moody



by Cory Freeman | Witness Pastor

"I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers." - John 15:5-6
Have you ever been on a vacation where you didn’t come back as rested as you had hoped? This is almost a guarantee for those with little ones. No matter how often your toes are in the sand, or how many coke zeros you gurgle down by the pool, for some reason you always feel like you need a “vacay after the vacay.” In some ways, I feel like this is how it was designed to be. The Lord designed us to be creatures who find their rest in Him.

In this passage from John 15, Jesus tells us that we will bear fruit as we abide in Him. To bear fruit means that we are filled up with Jesus and therefore we produce the godliness that is asked of us from our heavenly father. Like a tree, it is filled up with the water and nutrients that they need and therefore bears fruit. The opposite of that, Jesus said, is to wither. When we aren’t abiding in our heavenly father we are withering away. And we must be careful believing that we can stay stagnant. Like the old saying in athletics, "you either get better or you get worse, you don’t stay the same." We want to be creatures who bear much fruit, who get closer to their heavenly father day by day, therefore we must find ways to abide. And in that, we find rest for our souls.
What are some good ways to abide?
One of the most effective ways is “the old school” quiet time. You and Jesus are just “doing business.” Bible reading, prayer, worship; and this is something that we are quick to dismiss because of the time that it takes or the demand to keep up with it. Another way is to prayer walk. Nothing interrupting you, just taking walks with God. Lastly, do something that stirs your affections for God. Whatever puts your mind on the Lord and His goodness.



Live No Lies Podcast with John Mark Comer

Any time John Mark Comer comes out with something new, I am probably one of the first in line to read or listen to it. He is so thoughtful and intentional and has helped me establish healthier rhythms in my life unlike anyone else.

When I heard he had a new book coming out, I immediately put it on my “Want to Read” list. And when I learned that he was releasing a podcast along with the book, I obviously went and found that podcast as soon as I could. Listening to it has been a blessing to me!

Each episode of the Live No Lies podcast is John Mark Comer and a guest talking through some important cultural topics of our day. I found the podcast to be really thought-provoking and helpful for me and my walk with Jesus. Hopefully, you find the same as you’re able to listen through it!

DJ Blatherwick | Worship Pastor

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